Friday, July 27, 2007

Our son is coming HOME!

We get physical custody of Will on SUNDAY JULY 29, 2007. Holy Cow!! I can't believe we are FINALLY going to be a mommy and daddy to this sweet little boy. What a long road...but this is what it took to bring our boy home. We'll be home on Aug 2nd! Oh and by the way... I did not finish blankie #2 OR the baptismal wrap. Oh well... Hopefully I can sneak in some knitting while adjusting to motherhood! :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

We went "PINK"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Got our call early this morning. We got our 'pink slip' and embassy appt. Baby Will is coming home! We get to leave this weekend, and will have him physically with us by Monday!! Still need to finish his second blanket.... I'd better get crackin'!

Friday, July 20, 2007


Just found out that we are a bit delayed with our son coming home. Looks like the earliest we can even get to be with him will be the week of July 30th. I'm so sad that we will miss his 9 month b-day. I know this adoption will be so worth it...but I'm so frustrated with delays and misinformation. I guess the bright side is that this gives me more time to finish his blanket #2 and the baptismal blankie/wrap. I'm tellin ya.... I'd much rather have those projects unfinished and be with my son. My heart just hurts. :(

Monday, July 16, 2007


We got a call today to advise us that our new birth certificate has been issued and translated! The US Embassy has had it since late last week and it will take them about 72 hours to process it. That the middle of THIS WEEK, we should "go pink" and find out our embassy appt. At this time, it's taking about a week to get the appt. So...... IF all goes well. We should be in GT getting our boy around June 25th. He turns 9 mos old on June 28th.... and we'd LOVE for him to be home by then. Still needing to finish Blanket #2.... better get going.

Friday, July 13, 2007

The start of Baby Will Blankie #2

Here is the start of the second blanket for our son. It is made with Filatura Di Crosa Baby Bon Bon. It's OK to work with. The nubs in the yarn make it a bit tough. However I LOVE the "bobble-y" look when it's knit up. I just cast on a bunch... like 120 sts... and started knitting every row. I'm using size 17's. I bought a pair of Addi-Turbos for this. One of the tips is defective and I've contacted skacel....but other than that I LOVE THESE NEEDLES! I want them in every size. It's going really quick and is pretty mindless. I'm fairly certain I can get this done before we go and pick up our son!

A little something for me :)

Here's a yummy little bit I whipped up for me. It is Superfine Alpaca. Just a triangle shawl. Kinda like how you'd do a dishcloth. It was HEAVEN to knit with. Used Peruvian Tweed. I did it on 15's. I love it. My only prob is that I wear alot of bracelets... and sometimes the dangles get caught in the shawl. Not so much when I'm wearing it... but if I'm carrying it around. I did not block this... and I'm not sure if I will or not. Either way I know I'll get tons of use from this and LOVE wearing it.

Baby Will Blankie #1----- FINISHED

Here is a close up of the first blanket for our boy. It was fun to do... the yarn is SO SOFT. Even done.... it is squishy and soft...LOVING IT. I seriously wanna keep it as a snuggle blankie for me.

Friend's baby blanket done.

Here is the finished blanket for our friend's baby. His name is Ryan... what a cutie pie! I knit this using Lily sugar and cream. French blue and denim ombre(I think) held together throughout. It was an easy and fun knit. I'm pleased with how it turned out.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Hijo de mi alma (son of my soul)

Here is another pic of our boy.

Mijo (my beloved son)

Here is our boy! We found out that his Birthmom did her final sign off. We are just waiting to "go pink." Everything will then be in order and we will get our Embassy appt so we know when to travel. We are SO SO SO thrilled that he is our boy! I love him with all my heart and I can't wait to hold him again! Hope to hear more soon.