Monday, December 10, 2007


I finally finished my first clapotis. I participated in the Second Wave Clapotis KAL. I casted on the first day of fall.... and I just finished this on Saturday. It did take me forever, but I really loved knitting this. It's a fun pattern.... brilliant actually. I don't "get" how it works, but it does. I added extra repeats in the straight section.... Man it is L O N G! I can really wrap it around and around me! I worked a TON last week to get it done so that I could wear it to hubby's work Christmas party.

Here it is...

(Some is actually hanging off the back of the couch)

close up

As for Will..... he had his first babysitters! I was a nervous wreck! I thought for sure he'd scream, be fussy and give them a hard time. They assured me that he was happy and did not cry at all. No problems getting him to sleep, he ate all his dinner...all in all a really good night. I was SO relieved to hear this. It was so weird to be out and know that our son was home with sitters. It was yet another "first" in our parenthood.

Will is walking like crazy. He seems so big to me when he's walking! He barely crawls anymore. My baby is growing up!

Hope you have a great week! Get lots done, and try to enjoy the Holidays!! :)

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